Escape to the Pacific oasis of Morro Bay and stay with us in our Queen Standard guestroom. Sleep well on a supremely comfortable mattress with fluffy pillows and fresh linens. Enjoy a steaming cup of coffee in the morning, made with an in-room coffee maker. A microwave and refrigerator are provided for you to store and prepare food and drink items. Enjoy the entertainment options of a cable flat-screen TV and high-speed WiFi. A hot shower awaits in a private bathroom. Smoking is not permitted in this guestroom.
We welcome you to stay in our 161 ft² Double Beds Standard guestroom, featuring two oh-so-comfy double beds for a party of up to four guests. Gather around to watch your favorite show on a cable flat-screen TV or post your ocean photos online with our high-speed WiFi. A coffee maker, microwave, and refrigerator are provided for your convenience. A private bathroom offers complimentary toiletries, fresh towels, and a hairdryer. Smoking is not permitted.
Indulge in the better things in life like our 280 ft² King Room with a Spa Bath and Fireplace. If you like caffeine as much as we do, you’ll appreciate our in-room coffee maker. Store and prepare delicious leftovers with a microwave and refrigerator. Everybody needs some downtime. Why not click on a cable flat-screen TV or surf the web with our high-speed WiFi? After an adventurous day, curl up with a good book by a crackling fireplace or enjoy a thermal therapy session in a spa bath. Smoking is not permitted.
The ocean is calling, so hurry and book a stay in our Queen Accessible guest room, featuring one cozy queen-sized bed. This guestroom offers the entertainment options of cable flat-screen TV and high-speed WiFi. For your convenience, an in-room coffee maker, microwave, and refrigerator are provided. A private bathroom is stocked with complimentary toiletries, fresh towels, and a hairdryer. This guestroom has several accessibility features, including closed-captioning television, 100% wheelchair access, and bathroom handrails. Smoking is not permitted.
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